Event Details

Start-up Ecosystems in Rajasthan
Entrepreneurship & Career Hub, University of Rajasthan in collaboration with 9th Space hosted the second network meeting on February 13, 2021 at 02:00-03:00 PM on the topic Start-up Ecosystems in Rajasthan by Mr. AmitPurohit, iStart Rajasthan. The meeting witnessed engagement of more than 20 selected participants with a warm-up session by Mr. Ashutosh, Share a Smile Foundation.
Dr. Preeti Mishra, Working Committee Member, ECH welcomed Mr. AmitPurohit with a bouquet. Dr. RajbalaVerma, Working Committee Member was also a part of the network meeting. Ms. Jasmine Sethi, Post Master Entrepreneur introduced the audience to Jaipur Start-up Meet and gave a brief about the collaborators.
Dr. JMS Murthy, Manager ECH acquainted the student entrepreneurs to Entrepreneurship & Career Hub, its schemes and competitions.
Mr. Adityanath, Moderator of the meeting, proceeded further by introducing the audience to Mr. AmitPurohit.
Mr. AmitPurohit talked about his entrepreneurial journey and discussed about the importance of affection, passion and focus for an innovator to pursue his journey of entrepreneurship. He explained that a good idea cannot become a great product, great product cannot become a good business, a good business cannot become a great company. He also discussed about the translation of ideas into companies. He also clarified the perception of people has changed towards the failures and all the start-ups do not become google in one shot. During the Q&A session, the student entrepreneurs raised the questions about what to do and how to initiate a start-up. In response he explained the approach of Why? What? & How?which will aid in ease the journey of entrepreneurship. He tapped he whole audience about their future aspirations and gave best suggestions.
The session ended with a vote of thanks by Dr. JMS Murthy, Manager, ECH. The meeting ended with a high tea.

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